Year of Training: 2013-14 | Village Nadirgund |No. of participants 25 | %age of adoption 37%
Due to urbanization and mass conversion of agricultural land into colonies and small industrial units in District Srinagar, the land holding of people is decreasing day by day and because of luring prices of agricultural land farmers are shifting towards other trades and need for skill development and vocational training programmes
special for semi urban girls is becoming of prime importance for their livelihood .Keeping all these factors in view, KVK Srinagar organized 45 days skill development training programme on cutting and tailoring during 2013-14 for 25 girls hailing from semi urban area of Nadirgund village.
In the first phase of the training, the trainees were taught basic steps of cutting and stitching i.e. running stitch, hemming , tackling, button holding & button sewing. The trainees worked with great enthusiasm and professionalism and gained thorough
knowledge in tailoring as the results are evident.
After getting hold on stitching; a group of 8 girls adopted the skill for their livelihood. During winter the valley witnesses cold weather for more than six months and there is a great demand of electric blankets. These eight girls purchased sewing machines and were linked by KVK with the industrial unit of cozy, manufacturing the electric blankets, which is only few Kms away from village Chaki Nadir Gund.
The girls stitch 13-15 inners for blankets @ Rs: 15/- per blanket at their home for this industrial unit. On stitching, these inners said workers earn an amount of Rs: 6000-6500 per month besides stitching of the clothes. This unit acts as a model for the income generating activity for the other girls of the area and also creates awareness for self employment.