Details of 16th SAC Meeting, Minutes with Action Taken Report conducted in the year 2020

Sl. No.


Salient Recommendations

Action Taken Report



(Virtual Mode)

Chief Horticulture Officer Srinagar requested for arrangement of trainings to their field staff on Canopy Management.

03 training programmes were conducted on Canopy Management at village Harwon, Balhama and Rambirgad for field functionaries of Horticulture Department.


Hon’ble Chairman directed Head KVK to take up the matter of demarcation of land with revenue officials and district administration Budgam for filling and fencing

The matter of land demarcation was taken up with district administration Budgam and on their directions a team of revenue officials along with local Patwari came on the KVK site and demarcated the land allotted to Kendra, a map with complete measurements from all four sides along with other documents was submitted to Estates Officer SKUAST-K for further action.


Hon’ble Chairman directed to convert Dal weed into useful manure on large scale and its use for promotion of organic vegetable farming Dal catchment area

04 training programmes were conducted for converting Dal weed into useful manure using Shalimar microbe, Trichoderma biofertilizer for promoting organic farming and 02 demonstration programmes were also conducted on Dal weed composting in dal catchment area for promotion of organic vegetable farming.


Hon’ble Chairman directed to concentrate on Agricultural and Horticultural activities and promote vertical expansion in kitchen gardening and pot culture

03 awareness programmes and 02 training programmes related to pot culture and vertical gardening were conducted at Theed, Harwan, Shalimar and Balhama, vertical gardening models were also displayed at Kissan mela 2021


Hon’ble Chairman directed for promotion of back yard poultry in the district

For promotion of back yard poultry 06 training programmes (02 on campus & 04 off campus) were conducted at different villages of district Srinagar and 1500 birds of key stone and Vanraja strains of poultry birds were also distributed among farmers


The Worthy Director Extension emphasized on women empowerment in Shar-i-Khas area through value addition of fruits and vegetables

03 training programmes on value addition of fruits (01 programme) and vegetables (02 programmes) in down town area of District Srinagar.

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