Minutes of the 14th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Srinagar
The 14th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Srinagar was held at KVK campus on 24.04.2018 under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST- Kashmir Prof. Nazir Ahmad. The Associate Director Extension, Associate Director Research, Officers of the line department, CITH and progressive farmers were present in the meeting.
- At the outset of the meeting Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor interacted with the officers of the line department, progressive farmers and directed to reflect the areas covered under different crops in the district map along with live stock population.
- Programme coordinator of the Kendra presented the action taken report of the 13th SAC Meeting, Annual Progress Report 2017-2018 and Annual Action Plan for 2018-2019.
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor enquired about achievements made in OFT’s and asked to explain the failure of achieving the target. The chairman sought the information regarding the dormancy breaking in the potato and asked to take OFT in Noorbagh area and also directed SMS (PP) to conduct OFT on management of fruit fly.
- The house also asked about the performance of strawberry cultivation and suggested that four OFT’s should be conducted by each scientist, the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor directed Associate Director Research (Agri)to provide minimum standard of trials for each scientist.
- The Worthy Vice-Chancellor directed SMS vegetable science to take low tunnel system in consideration, not hot bed and directed to take 4-5 trials in OFT in Noorbagh area.
- While discussing the OFT conducted on mineral mixture supplement in milch cows for enhancing the milk production stressed to take at least 10 cows per trial.
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor suggested that concern SMS’s may also discuss the trials with experts of the CITH with regard to various crops and also stressed for taking results in the ZERC.
- The Worthy Vice-Chancellor asked to develop technologies in the district of Srinagar and Budgam and asked KVK to popularize the technologies developed by CITH and include in package of practice.
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor directed to lay FLD’s with SR Technology demonstration at four locations and one FLD may be laid at Mr. Mohammad Sultan progressive farmer’s field and rest in the feasible areas.
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor enquired about the performance of the K-332 variety of paddy for higher belts and directed to lay FLD’s on SR-5 and PB-89 variety of pea
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor directed to provide advisories ton farmers during expected drought conditions in the affected area so that water conservation is ensured technically viz., water harvesting technologies, roof water collection etc.
- The representative of the poultry department suggested that trainings should be conducted on the management of backyard poultry during winter
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor emphasized to provide trainings to youth for preservation of vegetables and provide innovative ideas to people for rotation based vegetable demonstration at KVK level
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor stressed for providing training to the youth at different locations of the district other than village Nadergund.
- The house asked to arrange Chinese cabbage seed for distribution among farmers of the district.
- The chairman directed to concentrate on peri-urban horticulture activities and promote varietal expansion of vegetables particularly in kitchen gardening.
- The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor directed programme coordinator to pursue the case of land filling and take up the matter with the concerned revenue authorities so that nursery raising activities are carried out in the field.
- While taking suggestions from the progressive farmers, the house felt to aware the farmers regarding newly developed technologies/seed varieties. The chairman directed to concentrate on peri-urban horticulture activities and have vertical expansion particularly in kitchen gardens and provide awareness on organic vegetable/ floriculture.
The worthy Vice-Chancellor stressed to involve the line departments in conducting OFT’s and FLD’s and collection of data. The programme coordinator showed the photographs in support of the involvement of line department in every activity which they accepted. The chairman stressed programme coordinator to personally monitor FLD’s / OFT’s and collect data.