Minutes of 11th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting (SAC) held on February 12th, 2015
The 11th Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Srinagar was held on February 12th, 2015 in the Directorate of Extension, SKUAST-K, Shalimar. The meeting was chaired by Worthy Director Extension Prof. Afifa S. Kamili and Co-chaired by Prof. M.A.A.Siddique, Associate Director Extension (Agri) SKUAST-Kashmir. The meeting was attended by Head of Divisions of SKUAST-K, representatives of various faculties, Officers of the Line Departments, Programme Coordinators of KVK’s, Scientists of SKUAST-Kashmir and progressive farmers (list enclosed).
Programme Coordinator KVK Srinagar Dr. Raihana Habib Kanth after welcoming the participants presented the Action Taken Report (ATR) of 2014, 10th SAC held on 10-10-2014.
The Programme Coordinator, while presenting the progress report for the year 2014 apprised the house that 92 trainings, demonstrations and awareness campaigns were conducted for the farmers and rural Youth. Moreover, 14 Skill Development Programmes, 25 Training Programmes were conducted for extension functionaries of the District. The impact of FLD’s on Maize was also presented, however the House was informed that the result of FLD’s on Paddy could not be presented because these demonstrations were washed away by devastating floods. The Worthy Director Extension also released two DVD’s on “Winter Packing of honey bee colonies” and “Integrated farming”. The House was also informed about the achievements of the Kendra like Farm Advisory Services, Campaigns and collaborative Programmes with Agriculture and Horticulture. The Worthy Director appreciated the efforts of KVK regarding the achievements like “Converting Kitchen waste into manure and formation of farmers club”.
Summary of the Proceedings
1. Worthy Director Extension directed all Programme Coordinators to inform well in advance the time schedule of forthcoming meetings with HoD’s or Officers of Line Departments and present the date and agenda of the meeting to the house.
(Action All KVKs)
2. Chairperson appreciated the efforts of KVK for conducting the Ex. Trainees Samelan. She however, stressed upon the all KVK’s that purpose and impact of such training programmes should be mentioned.
(Action all KVKS)
3. She also directed all Programme Coordinators to inform regarding the progress of Project submitted to Ratan Tata Trust also was directed to remain in touch and pursue the same.
(Action KVK, Srinagar)
4. On feed back received from AEO Qamarwari regarding FLD’s on SR-2 whose performance was good but final yield could not be obtained due to September,2014 flood deluge. The Worthy Director Extension directed to repeat the FLD’s on SR-2 in these areas during current season.
(Action KVK, Srinagar)
5. Chairperson also appreciated the efforts of KVK for constituting farmers club namely “Happy Khimber Farmers” and ‘Lucky Tomato Growers’ whose documentation stands already submitted to NABARD. Chairperson desired Programme Coordinator to apprising the status in this regard
(Action KVK Srinagar)
6. Chairperson appreciated ITK on winter migration of honey bee-colonies and directed Programme Coordinator Srinagar that the technology should be documented and published and distributed among all KVKs especially, KVK, Ganderbal and Pulwama with information to research system of University.
(Action KVK Srinagar)
7. Regarding the conduct of training Programmes on value addition of fruits and vegetables, Chairperson stressed upon the need of formation of value added products particularly strawberry flakes and apple juice, apple vinegar in consultation with the Division of PHT, SKUAST-Kashmir. Which otherwise is presently seen done outside the State and usually sold comparatively on higher prices. She also emphasized upon impact analysis of such trainings Programmes to access the lively hood opportunities for rural people engaged with these entrepreneurs
(Action All KVKs)
8. Programme Coordinator KVK was directed to document a success storey on “Commercial Horticulture and conduct training programme on flower dehydration” as per direction of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor during last SAC meeting. In this regard Associate Director Extension (Agri) informed the house that Division of Floriculture has recently concluded a project on aforesaid agenda and the technology emerged can be transferred to stake holders through vocational training Programmes of KVK. Worthy Director Extension desired that performance of all the interventions should be duly supported with relevant data, short fall if any may also be highlighted with reasons thereof.
(Action KVK, Srinagar)
9. Chairperson highly appreciated the efforts of KVK Srinagar for converting the Kitchen waste of JAKLI Messes into organic manure in collaboration with JAKLI and advised the programme coordinator to document its success story.
(Action all KVKs)
10. Deputy Director Horticulture (Canning) informed the House that exposure visit of trainees to different Units should be conducted. Director Extension advised programme Coordinators to sent the list of trainees to Deputy Director Horticulture who are interested in establishing their units for exposure visits to different Units under RKVY Scheme.
(KVK Srinagar)
11. AEO, Qamarwari informed the House that training Programme on Hybrid seed production should be conducted for the progressive farmers who are interested in hybrid seed production. Chairperson directed the programme Coordinator to conduct a three days training programme in collaboration with Division of Vegetable Science especially for the crops like tomato, capsicum, cucumber during the month of July.
(Action all KVK’s)
12. She also directed all Programme Coordinator to submit the calendar of activities to concerned Line Departments at least one month before in order to have greater coordination and participation. KVK experts were also directed to attend relevant Line Department Programmes as and when required.
(KVK Srinagar)
13. Representative of NABARD desired to have more synergy and coordination between NABARD and KVK through various awareness Programmes
(NABARD concerned officer, Srinagar)
14. Assistant Director Sericulture desired for trainings Programmes on cocoon spinning by KVK Srinagar.
(KVK Srinagar)
15. Associate Director Extension (Agri) informed the House that Srinagar being a hub of tourists. Stress should be given on Nursery raising of floriculture crops under protected cultivation to improve the livelihood through floriculture enterprises.
(KVK Srinagar)
16. . Representatives from the Division of Forestry informed the house that Government has
banned Cultivation of Female Poplars because of their cottony seed which cause different infections, more Programmes should be conducted on raising of male colonies under protected conditions. In this regard a programme maybe conducted in coordination with the Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K.
(KVK Srinagar)