Integrated Farming In Srinagar

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Mr. Showket Ahmad Ganie after completing his education started his family occupation of traditional agriculture to meet both ends meals. He put his honest and all sincere efforts to get maximum output from his land. His aptitude, innovative mind and eagerness  towards  new  technology  and development in the field of agriculture, horticulture made him to contact the experts of Krishi Vigyan Kendra   where he gained knowledge and experience  about  recent  advancement. He gave re-thinking to his traditional farming and took steps to change it on scientific lines as the judicious integrated farming suited to the specific agro climatic and socio economic conditions of the farmer was the need of  hour for better income and optimal utilization of resources. 

Interventions by KVK

Krishi Vigyan Kendra plays active role in propagating the technologies developed by SKUAST-K with the help of line departments:

Time to time the farmer was provided with disease diagnostic services and frequent visits of the experts to the different units of farmer

Necessary trainings and awareness was imparted to the farmer on:

Integrated Insect Pest and Disease Management of Horticultural and Agricultural Crops.

Integrated Nutrient Management of Agri-Horticulture Crops.

Scientific Management of Poultry birds.

Showket Ahmad Ganaie S/o Ghulam Ahmad Ganaie R/o Ranbirgarh District Srinagar has total cultivable land of more than 04 ha. In spite of the having more than 04 ha of land, the economic condition of the farmer was not good to feed his big family because he along with other farmers of the village were initially cultivating traditional varieties and practices whose productivity was very low as compared to improved varieties. After interacting with the KVK and Line Departments, the farmer:-

Established an orchard on an area of 1.5 ha having cultivars of red delicious, Kullu Delicious, Golden Delicious and Lal Ambri purely on scientific lines.

Rice is grown on 1.5 ha (SR-II variety introduced by KVK)

High yielding varieties of Tomato, Potato, Cucumber, Chilli, Peas and Brinjal are grown on an area of 0.5 ha.

Off-Season vegetable varieties of grown under polyhouse.

Established a vermin-compost unit for production of vermicompost for vegetable and plants where farm and dairy wastes are recycled for productive purposes.

The farmer started poultry unit (1100 birds) at his farm after getting training organized by the Kendra. He has purchased 01 day old chicks. The broiler birds (35-40 Day Old) are being sold at Rs. 110/bird of live weight. The cost of production is about Rs. 60-70. On an average they get Rs. 40 net profit/bird from poultry unit.


Production and Income Generated from Integrated Farming System



Net Returns (Rs.)


75 quintals



Orchard, Apple Nursery, Inter Crops etc.



Different Vegetable Crops, Off Season Vegetables under Polyhouse


Dairy Unit

25 liters/day


Poultry Unit

1000 birds


Total Income

470000 .00


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Integrated Farming In Srinagar

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